Sunday, September 9, 2007

Killer Box Office!

The stuff about insanely bad movies!

1. Ridiculous plots, cheesy humour.
2. You've seen them before, how original!
3. Strange, hilarious dialogue delivery
4. The lamest lines one can think of
5. Remarkable expressions as if at gun point
6. Snakes on planes, afterlife soft-toys and dangling in the air-kickboxers
7. There's always the dubbing but remakes somehow come through
8. Pulling hard on their noose, all the one hit wonders.
9. The mushy power rock soundtracks, the worst possible decision!

They work their charm on many, sad to say
But you're sure they are flops anyway
Screaming "Cash Back" the many, all their lives
Make a top 100 flop board, darting it with knives!

PS:- If there's anything good that comes out of such movies, it's just the uncanny talent of the film-makers to make you laugh your ass off!

Anyone up for Shivaji : The Boss ???????

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