Captions and taglines.... Ain't they a must in today's world? They're added to Hindi movies, K serials and now... the best of em all........... ORKUT PROFILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These days it's a given that people think they're really cool.... but there are some who want to be different... who want to specify how their personal life is through captions..DEPRESSED, IN LOVE! And that's where these taglines come in... to prove that their life is like the worst possible one and at times most happening!
Let me guide you through some of the maestros.... but NOTE that certain names have been changed coz hey! I don't wanna be jailed by them already depressed ones!!!!
Lallu - Feelings My Love!!!
Chetan - For Love...
Lallu (another profile... how many do u need man????) - Feel My Love
Anonymous (For obvious reasons...) - Curse Of My Love...Because Love Hurts Me!!! (That's a killer line dude... maybe if we knew your name, you'd be awarded the CHEESIEST ONE OF EM ALL award)
Malatesh - Love The Music Of Love (Man, are you confused!!!!)
Sarkar - Wanna Fall In Love... Wicked Game (Freakin Loser only!)
Rohit - Love Me Girls!!!!! (Man, how many desperate guys are on your tail??)
Bhim - Puppy Love (Oh, My God!!!!!!)
Now introducing the world of the DEPRESSED ones....
Navin - I'm Depressed (Now that's so honest of u dude...)
Ravi - More Depressed (Full competition and all, huh?)
Lavanya - Misery Loves Me (Ahaahaa! Kay Baat Hain!)
Raghu - Well Depressed From Life (Woah U've decided!! Jackpot!!!!)
Anonymous - Mad, Depressed and Finished! No Way Of Recovery!! (Dude, Suicidal Tendencies Indeed!)
Sayak - Depressed, Lost 16 kgs (Some people will be really happy when they achieve dat feat!)
Anonymous - Depressed, Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (SCARY!!!!)
Utkarsh (Here's a glitter of hope) - Go and Sleep, If Ur Depressed!!!!
While such people think they're open and honest, they forget that they scare the shit outta you! Watch some Tom N' Jerry and lighten up fellas.... or Join a Depressed community and rehabilitate yourselves... hopefully a Psychiatrist will be the moderator!!!
Then the COOL ones....
Arshad- Bigger Than The Sun (Must Be A Liliput in reality!)
Anonymous - Fear, The Mother Of Mortality (Yeah, the "I Fear No One" attitude... I'll lock you in the bathroom with no lights on! Scram!!!)
Prem - Rite, NOW I AM COOL (And he has Rajanikanth as his Display Image! Wahahahahaha!!!!)
Sanket - Like To Biking ***Cool Guy*** (Hold your horses dude, people with Lunas are cooler!)
Krunal - Final Truce Wid Destiny (Right, Tell Me How It Goes!)
Unlike the depressed ones, these people have no sense of modesty!!!!! Oh, My!!!!
See... so what do I derive outta these freakish cases?
This world is full of desperate losers who think they're cool and showing that attitude get slapped in the face and finally get depressed and lose their minds!!!
So go ahead and add another caption... another slick line... and make my day... I'll have lots to write about!!!! :)
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Groggy's The Word!
Still there, the Sunday hangover
Open are my eyes to see what's next
Wanna go back under the cover
Psyched, under no pretext.
Where I go everyday, there's no one for some time
Eventually they come, bored heads, not just some
And a week begins, just like a song with rhyme
The hope's still there, of a great week to come.
The most hectic work, the sleepy sessions
Sitting there, waiting for the hand to shift
To the deadline, first on the list of confessions
Wishing for the time to go by, really swift.
Get back home, nothing's on TV
Plain, bland the food too ;)
There's nothing to do, so jobless and free
As Time flies by, I'm left wondering what to do.
The years might go by, but the trend's there
Of a boring first day, unfortunately true
It's gonna come next week too, so unfair
Can't brush past it, That's a Monday for you.
PS:- Just crawled through one today! ;)
Open are my eyes to see what's next
Wanna go back under the cover
Psyched, under no pretext.
Where I go everyday, there's no one for some time
Eventually they come, bored heads, not just some
And a week begins, just like a song with rhyme
The hope's still there, of a great week to come.
The most hectic work, the sleepy sessions
Sitting there, waiting for the hand to shift
To the deadline, first on the list of confessions
Wishing for the time to go by, really swift.
Get back home, nothing's on TV
Plain, bland the food too ;)
There's nothing to do, so jobless and free
As Time flies by, I'm left wondering what to do.
The years might go by, but the trend's there
Of a boring first day, unfortunately true
It's gonna come next week too, so unfair
Can't brush past it, That's a Monday for you.
PS:- Just crawled through one today! ;)
Thursday, September 13, 2007
For Starters!
Took the road to nowhere
When nothing was left to do
Through the hazy window of my lair
The lair on wheels I'm tuned to.
Dew drops on the windshield
On a hopefully beautiful day
Watch them go, the lush green fields
When do I stop, who's to say.
And with my radio-a-playin
I shake my head in tune
Keepin the car from swayin
Noone's to be seen in the rear view.
Turn back, Yes, I'm sure to, it's not far
To be part of just another boring day
But I stop and walk out the car
Toss that coin I never use to pay
Stop, I have at the bridge never forgotten
Where I come by everyday, to be secluded
The coin goes in, the ripples, ridden
This is how my day's begun... and concluded.
PS:- Slog -Sleep - Slog... This is the case for many these days. What would you do to bring in a change... To start off your day? Well, I got thinking and out popped this!
When nothing was left to do
Through the hazy window of my lair
The lair on wheels I'm tuned to.
Dew drops on the windshield
On a hopefully beautiful day
Watch them go, the lush green fields
When do I stop, who's to say.
And with my radio-a-playin
I shake my head in tune
Keepin the car from swayin
Noone's to be seen in the rear view.
Turn back, Yes, I'm sure to, it's not far
To be part of just another boring day
But I stop and walk out the car
Toss that coin I never use to pay
Stop, I have at the bridge never forgotten
Where I come by everyday, to be secluded
The coin goes in, the ripples, ridden
This is how my day's begun... and concluded.
PS:- Slog -Sleep - Slog... This is the case for many these days. What would you do to bring in a change... To start off your day? Well, I got thinking and out popped this!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Chains and Circles Make my day!
Yeah, I listen to music loud rite? Give any Alice In Chains album a listen and you'll know why! And when I'm peaced out, there's the mix of chaos and peace thanks to A Perfect Circle... and as I said these two bands make my day!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
The Wall!

Life at CKP's great fun! Then there's also all the fun outside college like side projects if I may call them that! Got the chance to do some art work for a film (Lucky Bastards) and I was all up for it when I came to know that what we had to do was Graffiti!!!!! Yup, total excitement and all!! The place turned out to be a garage at Hebbal, no... Kodigehalli, no... Sahakarnagar! Yes that was it!!!! 10 people were required but only 3 of us friends ended up doing the work! Why do people back out?! Tsk, Tsk...!!!!
The rain was pouring everytime we had to travel and I ended up wet all the time. Ginelle and Dhvani, my partners in crime were better off :P!
The first day we went to check out the place... you know... understand the route and all! Once we got there we were asked to give the wall a "Druggie Adda Look". Anyway, the first day the three of us finished the basic pencil work of the headline text "Herb Shop"! The director asked us to give it a splattered look.
The second day, we completed the paint work and "Herb Shop" was ready! Yippee- ka - Yay!!!! Dhvani couldn't make it that day. So Ginelle and I had to split the work amongst ourselves. The paint job was great fun. At college we aren't yet allowed to use paint and here we were, Painting on a Wall (Asian Paints that too)!!!!!! That was something! I was slow as usual while Ginelle finished letter after letter real easy! She did panic a lot though when the paint dripped! LOL!!!
Then came the best part!
There was this switchboard bang in the middle of the wall and we were asked to use it in the concept! Ginelle came up with the idea of a skull, but one with a switchboard for brains! LOL!!! I know it sounds crazy, but once it was finished, we were told it was cool! Hell, ok... it did look cool! We added some cracks and wires popping out and out of the mouth came a cigarette that blew smoke eventually forming the "O" of "Herb Shop". Again, we just finished the pencil work of the skull.
Then the trio made its return on the third and final day to complete the entire wall. The paint went in. This time we were all real fast! We did end up messing up the smoke but after some turpentine finish it looked smokey! We were to add extra text too, 'Pro- Drug Use' one liners and stuff. The director wasn't sure about what text could go up there and so he asked us to come up with our own stuff... anything that stuck with the concept. So I came up with one- liners such as 'Take that Pill, Smoke the Weed', 'High, But Still Not There', 'Junkhead', 'Up For It Punk?', 'Them Veins All Loaded', 'Dope Fiend', etc. Dhvani came up with the cool idea of a fist with the index finger pointing at the veiwer, over which she added the word 'Rebel'. She followed it up with the other text giving them the punk look. Ginelle experimented with different fonts on 'Wicked', 'Creep' and the earlier mentioned 'T.V.A.L'. After the text-paint job, our work was done and the snaps taken!
It was a great experience and the fact that I had my friends for company was cool.
PS:- So who you gonna call?
At first, darkness is all you see
When in sleep, you pretend to be
Patches of yellow and green then slowly creep in
Blending into a picture, earlier unseen.
Its often the best thing that could happen to you
Most often than not, it's too good to be true
A perfect scenario with your favourite little crew
With an ending so vague, that you never knew.
Very tricky dreams are, with the boundaries running farther,
You fade out a picture and enter another
Free to do anything, even fly for that matter
Believe me, I've had many, weird as ever!
Sometimes, instances, they might be of pure horror
Leaving you shivering and trembling, only to gasp and stutter
To wake up from them, you'd wish forever
But they get over slowly, as if for you to savour.
At times, sad little events do creep in
With tangible changes, you think should have been
Would you like to hang in there or just fade away?
It's not yours to decide in a dream, run or stay.
A fall it may be or an accident too
A horrifying image, scaring the shit out of you
A climax you're expecting oh so eagerly,
That's when you wake up and it's all over eventually.
Lame it may seem till you dream again
Before they're erased, write them down without refrain
You may see what you want or have a sleepless night,
It's just a fitting end to dusk, at dawn, a delight.
It's often opposite in reality, any outcome there might be
Learn from them, the little aspects, try to see
For they might come back to hit you right in the face
Given the same situation, say even same place.
PS :-
It's no dream that you're reading this
Nor is the fact that I came up with it
Pinch yourself to be sure,
Hey, I did that too!
When in sleep, you pretend to be
Patches of yellow and green then slowly creep in
Blending into a picture, earlier unseen.
Its often the best thing that could happen to you
Most often than not, it's too good to be true
A perfect scenario with your favourite little crew
With an ending so vague, that you never knew.
Very tricky dreams are, with the boundaries running farther,
You fade out a picture and enter another
Free to do anything, even fly for that matter
Believe me, I've had many, weird as ever!
Sometimes, instances, they might be of pure horror
Leaving you shivering and trembling, only to gasp and stutter
To wake up from them, you'd wish forever
But they get over slowly, as if for you to savour.
At times, sad little events do creep in
With tangible changes, you think should have been
Would you like to hang in there or just fade away?
It's not yours to decide in a dream, run or stay.
A fall it may be or an accident too
A horrifying image, scaring the shit out of you
A climax you're expecting oh so eagerly,
That's when you wake up and it's all over eventually.
Lame it may seem till you dream again
Before they're erased, write them down without refrain
You may see what you want or have a sleepless night,
It's just a fitting end to dusk, at dawn, a delight.
It's often opposite in reality, any outcome there might be
Learn from them, the little aspects, try to see
For they might come back to hit you right in the face
Given the same situation, say even same place.
PS :-
It's no dream that you're reading this
Nor is the fact that I came up with it
Pinch yourself to be sure,
Hey, I did that too!
Killer Box Office!
The stuff about insanely bad movies!
1. Ridiculous plots, cheesy humour.
2. You've seen them before, how original!
3. Strange, hilarious dialogue delivery
4. The lamest lines one can think of
5. Remarkable expressions as if at gun point
6. Snakes on planes, afterlife soft-toys and dangling in the air-kickboxers
7. There's always the dubbing but remakes somehow come through
8. Pulling hard on their noose, all the one hit wonders.
9. The mushy power rock soundtracks, the worst possible decision!
They work their charm on many, sad to say
But you're sure they are flops anyway
Screaming "Cash Back" the many, all their lives
Make a top 100 flop board, darting it with knives!
PS:- If there's anything good that comes out of such movies, it's just the uncanny talent of the film-makers to make you laugh your ass off!
Anyone up for Shivaji : The Boss ???????
1. Ridiculous plots, cheesy humour.
2. You've seen them before, how original!
3. Strange, hilarious dialogue delivery
4. The lamest lines one can think of
5. Remarkable expressions as if at gun point
6. Snakes on planes, afterlife soft-toys and dangling in the air-kickboxers
7. There's always the dubbing but remakes somehow come through
8. Pulling hard on their noose, all the one hit wonders.
9. The mushy power rock soundtracks, the worst possible decision!
They work their charm on many, sad to say
But you're sure they are flops anyway
Screaming "Cash Back" the many, all their lives
Make a top 100 flop board, darting it with knives!
PS:- If there's anything good that comes out of such movies, it's just the uncanny talent of the film-makers to make you laugh your ass off!
Anyone up for Shivaji : The Boss ???????
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