Wednesday, May 30, 2007

It's Blue Out There....

Seated outside am I, as the clouds just gave way,
Its raining again, and not a soul out there,
Enjoying this hour, wont make a move or sway,
Before it stops, before the sun's out again.

Oh, here he comes, piercing the clouds, with his rays,
Taking away what seem to me, the three probabilities
Realizing my wishes are in vain, he will replace,
The rain, the peace and all the tranquility

As often... screaming, playing and undisturbed,
I hear them, as the kids are back in the open,
For the sun has all the glory now, only stolen
The same the rain had some minutes ago, forgotten

He's hiding behind the clouds now, at times a peer,
With his rays like fingers, feeding the light,
To the places in darkness, distant from here,
Appearing farther, yet not so far from sight.

He's done all he could, and the day now comes to an end,
Unlike everyday, but in a surreal and unusual way,
The three of them, the rain, the sun and now the moon
I got a chance to see......... all on the very same day.

- It feels gr8 to come up with stuff on a rainy day.......

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