Thursday, June 10, 2010


After two back to back Life Study works, I decided to make this sculpture of An Aries-Pisces Cusp. The features of a Ram on the top right of the head, the Fish on the left while bringing in the central Human element as the Cusp. This work is the last one of Year-III.

Medium - Fibreglass
1 ft 8"


Since I hadn't tried insects and had very little plaster left enough to take a mould of a small relief, I decided to make this one. A Hornet leaving its nest/hive. The colouring stage was fun as I experimented in this stage the most.

Medium - Fibreglass


Blackbirds In A Pie

Based on the nursery rhyme "Blackbirds In A Pie/ Sing A Song Of Six Pence":

Sing a song of sixpence a pocket full of rye,
Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie.
When the pie was opened the birds began to sing,
Oh wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the king?
The king was in his counting house counting out his money,
The queen was in the parlour eating bread and honey
The maid was in the garden hanging out the clothes,
When down came a blackbird and pecked off her nose!

This work is a relief portrying that very scene of the blackbirds flying out of the pie that I remember from my childhood. :)

"Blackbirds In A Pie"
Medium - Fibreglass
1 ft 8"

My first work of the 6th Semester had to be this! Very little's known of the "Alice In Wonderland" character "The Mad Hatter" except for illustrations in the actual Novel. So there was lots of room for experimentation with colour, attire, facial features. As opposed to the Mad Hatter always holding a tea cup, I thought of making him pop out of one! :)

"The Mad Hatter"
Medium - Fibreglass
1 ft 8"

Something Instrumental-II

Tiny Brass Version of "Something Instrumental" (, this being my last work 5th Semester.

"Something Instrumental-II"
Medium - Brass

Sculpture (Mural/Relief)

This was my take at a "Sculpture" Mural. The tools reqd, medium, design elements, human element and the thought process all depicted as simple possible.

Medium - Fibreglass
1 ft 6"


For my next Animal Sculpture, I decided to be different and go with a bird! :D Owl's a favourite, so had to be it with a cartoon/illustration touch to it :)

Medium - Fibreglass
2 Feet


This Sculpture revolves around the negatives of War. Focus was on having a central Sculpture (A blindfolded soldier), with miniature scenes around it. Thus, portraying, the move of the Govt (miniature of a politician in front), The ammunition involved (Miniature in green), the forgotten chaos inflicted on civilians (In orange) and a graveyard (in grey and red) which is the sad conclusion of such a drastic action.

Medium - Fibreglass, Mseal
1 ft 10"


My First work of Year III, The subject being Animal Sculpture, I decided to make a sculpture of a Rhinoceros.

Medium - Plaster
1 Foot